The Woodcreek Little League snack bar is one of our largest parent fundraisers for the
league and we appreciate your support. The Woodcreek Little League’s Snack Bar is
located at the Mahany baseball Field complex and will be open for business when the
season starts on March 7, 2020
• A Woodcreek Little League Board Member will help open and close the snack bar.
• Each team is required to work four (4) shifts per a season.
• A shift is two (2) hours long and is not during your game time.
• A player’s parent is required to work two (2) shifts or opt to buy out with a JR Worker
• If an AA or AAA team is not assigned all four shifts during the regular season, a shift will be during the end of the season “funfest” game.
• Team shifts will be assigned after the game schedule is released and emailed to theTeam parent
• TOC or All-Star parents will be assigned an additional shift if Woodcreek Little League is chosen to host TOC’s or All-Star tournaments.
• The Team Parent is responsible to make sure parents show up for their assigned snack bar shift.
• Three parents are required to be in the snack bar during a shift, if not the snack bar will be closed and the team’s NEXT game will be forfeited.
• Parents should arrive 15 minutes before their shift and stay until their relief from the next team working arrives, or until closing if your team has the last shift of the day.
• Shift buy-outs with a JR Worker are $20.00 for a two-hour shift and any excess of three (3) parents per a shift, a JR Worker may work in place of a parent.
• JR Worker buy outs need to be requested three weeks prior to the shift.
• Any questions please contact James at snackbar@woodcreeklittleleague.com
Junior Workers
Junior Workers can be 13 years of age and older.
to apply, please CLICK HERE
For all questions, please contact James at snackbar@woodcreeklittleleague.com