Jr. Umpire Evaluation

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide feedback to the Umpire In Chief (UIC) as a feedback tool to aid in the development of our junior umpires. 

The junior umpire evaluation should be completed by both team managers when a junior umpire officiates a game.  Evaluations are initially only seen by the Umpire In Chief, League President, and Division player agent but may be viewed by the board of directors in some cases. 



Manager/ Coach Name
Your Team Name
Date of Game
Name of Plate Ump
If known, if not just list "Plate Umpire"
Name of Field Ump
If known, If not just list "Field Umpire"
Was the strikezone fair and consistent?
Was the Junior umpire on time at properly set up
Umpire strengths
examples of things the umpire did well.
Which area(s) should the umpire focus on developing
Rule Interpretation
were there any rule interpretation situations that need clarification?
Any other comments?
anything in general that you would like the umpire in chief to be aware of?

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