If a field is marked closed by the City, DO NOT USE.
If a Field is marked Re-Inspect, any board member, manager or coach can re-inspect.
· You must follow the City of Roseville’s Inclement Weather Policy when re-inspecting the fields (see section 21.2 Field Closure Information).
· Once a board member, manager or coach decides a field is open or closed, they MUST email the player agent of their division, the field director and the assistant field director AND CC the President and Information Officer. All email addresses can be found here: https://woodcreeklittleleague.com/content/2150/Meet-the-Board.
· Player Agents shall email all the other player agents and forward to all managers. The Information Officer will update the website and make a Twitter and Facebook post.
For weekend updates please call the Sports Field Condition Hotline at 916-746-1257.
Field Closures Due to POOR AIR QUALITY:
Woodcreek Little League, along with the recommendation of the city of Roseville’s Youth Sports Coalition, will close all fields when the air quality index reaches 101pm2.5 concentration for the monitoring site located in Roseville Ca, listed at N. Sunrise/Douglas. Woodcreek Little League will use the website sparetherair.com when deciding to close the fields duo to air quality.
Field Closures Due to HEAT:
Temps that are 99-104: Managers & Coaches must allow for water breaks and rest/cooling off periods every 15-20 minutes during practice. During games, Managers & Coaches must keep a close eye on all players especially the player in the position of catcher to make sure they are hydrated and not overheating.
Temps that are 105 or more: All games and practices are cancelled.
WLL will be using the weather app, The Weather Channel, to decide the temperature for Roseville, CA. The temp will be noted 2 hours prior to game or practice time to decide whether or not the conditions are safe to play.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact your player agent. Thank you for keeping our players and families healthy and safe!